Passive Income Quick Start For Beginners
Beginners guide to creating passive income. Learn how to create simple, sustainable streams of income. Generate lifestyle freedom.
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Test your learning
Lesson 1: What is Passive Income?
Lesson 2: Benefits of Creating Passive Income Streams
Compounding Power
The Energy of Money
Lesson 1: Identifying Your Financial Goals
Lesson 2: Creating a Financial Plan
Lesson 1: Finding Opportunities for Passive Income
Lesson 2: Choosing the Right Passive Income Streams
Lesson 3: Setting Up Your Passive Income System
Lesson 1: Strategies for Scaling Passive Income
Lesson 2: Automating Your Passive Income Streams
Lesson 1: Exploring New Ways to Create Passive Income
Lesson 2: Leveraging Technology for Passive Income Generation